Intelligent Systems

Intelligent Systems 8th Progress

This will be the final week’s post as I am going to explain how well the Minimax algorithm runs by battling it against the Negamax algorithm. Before continuing, I am […]

Intelligent Systems 7th Progress

In this week’s post, I am going to explain how Pruning works in Minimax and Negamax algorithm. Consider the algorithm starts its way by checking the foremost left side of […]

Intelligent Systems 6th Progress

After reading the previous week’s study, we concluded that we couldn’t implement the A* algorithm. The reasons that we couldn’t implement it are the heuristic function explanation which is oversimplified […]

During our search for the compatible AI, we stumbled upon a paper which implemented the A* algorithm in Congklak game. Below is the link to the paper: Since the A* […]

Intelligent Systems 3rd Progress

From early December until the 3rd week of December, our team will be focusing on the development of the environment, which is the congklak game itself. To make things easier […]

For now, our members are still in the middle of deciding which algorithm that would be suitable for our Congklak final project. Right now, there are 2 choices of algorithms […]

Abstract My team is planning to make a simulation of a traditional game called Congklak. The simulation will be built on Python language on the top of Pygame extension. It […]